- 获取图片.
- 提取人脸.
# 爬虫部分,存放到 name + ‘文件' ############################################################################################# if GET_PIC == 1: headers = { 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.7,zh-HK;q=0.5,en-US;q=0.3,en;q=0.2', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1' } A = requests.Session() A.headers = headers tm = int(input('请输入每类图片的下载数量 ')) numPicture = tm line_list = [] with open('./name.txt', encoding='utf-8') as file: line_list = [k.strip() for k in file.readlines()] # 用 strip()移除末尾的空格 for word in line_list: url = 'https://image.baidu.com/search/flip?tn=baiduimage&ie=utf-8&word=' + word + '&pn=' tot = Find(url, A) Recommend = recommend(url) # 记录相关推荐 print('经过检测%s类图片共有%d张' % (word, tot)) file = word + '文件' y = os.path.exists(file) if y == 1: print('该文件已存在,无需创建') else: os.mkdir(file) t = 0 tmp = url while t < numPicture: try: url = tmp + str(t) # result = requests.get(url, timeout=10) # 这里搞了下 result = A.get(url, timeout=10, allow_redirects=False) print(url) except error.HTTPError as e: print('网络错误,请调整网络后重试') t = t + 60 else: dowmloadPicture(result.text, word) t = t + 60 numPicture = numPicture + tm print('当前搜索结束,开始提取人脸') #############################################################################################
import os raw_train_root_1 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/raw/train/IU/' raw_train_root_2 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/raw/train/Other/' raw_test_root_1 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/raw/test/IU/' raw_test_root_2 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/raw/test/Other/' raw_roots = [raw_train_root_1, raw_train_root_2, raw_test_root_1, raw_test_root_2] for path in raw_roots: # 获取该目录下所有文件,存入列表中 fileList = os.listdir(path) n = 0 for i in fileList: # 设置旧文件名(就是路径+文件名) oldname = path + os.sep + fileList[n] # os.sep添加系统分隔符 # 设置新文件名 newname = path + os.sep + str(n) + '.JPG' os.rename(oldname, newname) # 用os模块中的rename方法对文件改名 print(oldname, '======>', newname) n += 1
- pip install CMake -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple
- pip install dlib==19.7.0 -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple
- pip install face_recognition -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple
# 找到图片中的人脸 ############################################################################################# def find_face(path): # Load the jpg file into a numpy array image = face_recognition.load_image_file(path) # Find all the faces in the image using the default HOG-based model. # This method is fairly accurate, but not as accurate as the CNN model and not GPU accelerated. # See also: find_faces_in_picture_cnn.py face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(image) # 可以选择 model="cnn" if len(face_locations) == 0: return None else: for face_location in face_locations: # Print the location of each face in this image top, right, bottom, left = face_location # You can access the actual face itself like this: face_image = image[top:bottom, left:right] pil_image = Image.fromarray(face_image) return pil_image #############################################################################################
# 将训练集和测试集中的raw图片处理,提取出人脸图片 ############################################################################################# if __name__ == '__main__': # 主函数入口 raw_train_root_1 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/raw/train/IU/' raw_train_root_2 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/raw/train/Other/' raw_test_root_1 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/raw/test/IU/' raw_test_root_2 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/raw/test/Other/' raw_roots = [raw_train_root_1, raw_train_root_2, raw_test_root_1, raw_test_root_2] img_raw_train_1 = os.listdir(raw_train_root_1) img_raw_train_2 = os.listdir(raw_train_root_2) img_raw_test_1 = os.listdir(raw_test_root_1) img_raw_test_2 = os.listdir(raw_test_root_2) img_raws = [img_raw_train_1, img_raw_train_2, img_raw_test_1, img_raw_test_2] new_path_train_1 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/processed/train/IU/' new_path_train_2 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/processed/train/Other/' new_path_test_1 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/processed/test/IU/' new_path_test_2 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/processed/test/Other/' new_paths = [new_path_train_1, new_path_train_2, new_path_test_1, new_path_test_2] for raw_root, img_raw, new_path in zip(raw_roots, img_raws, new_paths): n = 0 for i in range(len(img_raw)): try: img = Image.open(raw_root + img_raw[i]) except: print('a file error, continue') continue else: img_train = find_face(raw_root + img_raw[i]) if img_train == None: continue else: # img_train.save(new_path + '%d.JPG'%n) # print(raw_root + img_raw[i]) n += 1 print('在%d张图片中,共找到%d张脸' % (len(img_raw), n)) #############################################################################################
data_transform = transforms.Compose([ # transforms.Grayscale(num_output_channels=1), # 彩色图像转灰度图像num_output_channels默认1 transforms.Resize(112), transforms.CenterCrop((112, 92)), # 中心裁剪为112*92 transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) # transforms.Normalize(mean=0.5, std=0.5) ])
使用孪生神经网络(Siamese Network)
class SiameNetwork(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(SiameNetwork, self).__init__() # input: h=112, w=92 self.conv1 = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3, # 输入单通道 out_channels=16, # 16个3*3卷积核 kernel_size=3, # 卷积核尺寸 stride=2, # 卷积核滑动步长, 1的话图片大小不变,2的话会大小会变为(h/2)*(w/2) padding=1), # 边缘填充大小,如果要保持原大小,kernel_size//2 torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(16), # 标准化,前面卷积后有16个图层 torch.nn.ReLU() # 激活函数 ) # output: h=56, w=46 self.conv2 = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Conv2d(16, 32, 3, 2, 1), torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(32), torch.nn.ReLU() ) # output: h=28, w=23 self.conv3 = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Conv2d(32, 64, 3, 2, 1), torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(64), torch.nn.ReLU() ) # output: h=14, w=12 self.conv4 = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 2, 2, 0), torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(64), torch.nn.ReLU() ) # output: h=7, w=6 self.mlp1 = torch.nn.Linear(7 * 6 * 64, 100) # 需要计算conv4的输出尺寸,每次卷积的输出尺寸(size - kernal + 2*padding)/stride + 1 self.mlp2 = torch.nn.Linear(100, 10) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv1(x) x = self.conv2(x) x = self.conv3(x) x = self.conv4(x) x = self.mlp1(x.view(x.size(0), -1)) # view展平 x = self.mlp2(x) return x
from PIL import Image import face_recognition import os # 找到图片中的人脸 ############################################################################################# def find_face(path): # Load the jpg file into a numpy array image = face_recognition.load_image_file(path) # Find all the faces in the image using the default HOG-based model. # This method is fairly accurate, but not as accurate as the CNN model and not GPU accelerated. # See also: find_faces_in_picture_cnn.py face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(image) # 可以选择 model="cnn" if len(face_locations) == 0: return None else: for face_location in face_locations: # Print the location of each face in this image top, right, bottom, left = face_location # You can access the actual face itself like this: face_image = image[top:bottom, left:right] pil_image = Image.fromarray(face_image) return pil_image ############################################################################################# # 将训练集和测试集中的raw图片处理,提取出人脸图片 ############################################################################################# if __name__ == '__main__': # 主函数入口 raw_train_root_1 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/raw/train/IU/' raw_train_root_2 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/raw/train/Other/' raw_test_root_1 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/raw/test/IU/' raw_test_root_2 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/raw/test/Other/' raw_roots = [raw_train_root_1, raw_train_root_2, raw_test_root_1, raw_test_root_2] img_raw_train_1 = os.listdir(raw_train_root_1) img_raw_train_2 = os.listdir(raw_train_root_2) img_raw_test_1 = os.listdir(raw_test_root_1) img_raw_test_2 = os.listdir(raw_test_root_2) img_raws = [img_raw_train_1, img_raw_train_2, img_raw_test_1, img_raw_test_2] new_path_train_1 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/processed/train/IU/' new_path_train_2 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/processed/train/Other/' new_path_test_1 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/processed/test/IU/' new_path_test_2 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/processed/test/Other/' new_paths = [new_path_train_1, new_path_train_2, new_path_test_1, new_path_test_2] for raw_root, img_raw, new_path in zip(raw_roots, img_raws, new_paths): n = 0 for i in range(len(img_raw)): try: img = Image.open(raw_root + img_raw[i]) except: print('a file error, continue') continue else: img_train = find_face(raw_root + img_raw[i]) if img_train == None: continue else: # img_train.save(new_path + '%d.JPG'%n) # print(raw_root + img_raw[i]) n += 1 print('在%d张图片中,共找到%d张脸' % (len(img_raw), n)) #############################################################################################
import torch import torchvision import torch.nn as nn from torch.autograd import Variable from torchvision import datasets, transforms from torch.utils.data import DataLoader import cv2 #opencv库,用于图片可视化 import numpy as np import os from utils import draw_result from network import SiameNetwork from get_face import find_face if __name__ == '__main__': # 主函数入口 # 设置参数 ############################################################################################# path = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/result/' # 存放和生成结果的路径标志 epochs = 20 #训练周期 BATCH_SIZE = 16 #批量样本大小 NUM_WORKERS = 0 ############################################################################################# # 数据处理 ############################################################################################# data_transform = transforms.Compose([ # transforms.Grayscale(num_output_channels=1), # 彩色图像转灰度图像num_output_channels默认1 transforms.Resize(112), transforms.CenterCrop((112, 92)), # 中心裁剪为112*92 transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) # transforms.Normalize(mean=0.5, std=0.5) ]) train_dataset = datasets.ImageFolder(root = r'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/processed/train', transform = data_transform) test_dataset = datasets.ImageFolder(root = r'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/processed/test', transform = data_transform) train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=NUM_WORKERS) test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=NUM_WORKERS) image, labels = next(iter(train_loader)) #数据可视化 img = torchvision.utils.make_grid(image, nrow = 10) img = img.numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) cv2.imshow('img', img) #展示图像 cv2.waitKey(0) #按下任一按键后开始工作 print("data ready!") ############################################################################################# #配置设备、损失函数和优化器 ############################################################################################# device = torch.device('cuda') model = SiameNetwork().to(device) cost = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() #定义损失函数,使用交叉熵 optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.0008, weight_decay=0.001) #Adam优化器 print("device ready!") ############################################################################################# #训练过程,训练周期由epochs决定 ############################################################################################# draw_epoch = [] #记录训练阶段 draw_loss = [] #记录训练损失,用于绘制 draw_train_acc = [] #记录训练准确度,用于绘制 draw_val_loss = [] #记录测试损失,用于绘制 draw_val_acc = [] # 记录测试准确度,用于绘制 for epoch in range(epochs): #训练过程 sum_loss = 0.0 sum_val_loss = 0.0 train_correct = 0 test_correct = 0 for data in train_loader: inputs,labels = data inputs,labels = Variable(inputs).cuda(),Variable(labels).cuda() optimizer.zero_grad() #将上一batch梯度清零 outputs = model(inputs) loss = cost(outputs, labels) loss.backward() #反向传播 optimizer.step() _, id = torch.max(outputs.data, 1) sum_loss += loss.data train_correct += torch.sum(id == labels.data) for data in test_loader: # 模型测试 inputs,labels = data inputs,labels = Variable(inputs).cuda(),Variable(labels).cuda() outputs = model(inputs) val_loss = cost(outputs, labels) _,id = torch.max(outputs.data, 1) sum_val_loss += val_loss.data test_correct += torch.sum(id == labels.data) print('[%d,%d] train loss:%.03f train acc:%.03f%%' %(epoch + 1, epochs, sum_loss / len(train_loader), (100 * train_correct / len(train_dataset)))) print(' val loss:%.03f val acc:%.03f%%' %(sum_val_loss / len(test_loader), (100 * test_correct / len(test_dataset)))) draw_epoch.append(epoch+1) # 用于后续画图的数据 draw_loss.append(sum_loss / len(train_loader)) draw_train_acc.append(100 * train_correct / len(train_dataset)) draw_val_loss.append(sum_val_loss / len(test_loader)) draw_val_acc.append(100 * test_correct / len(test_dataset)) np.savetxt('%s/train_loss.txt'%(path), draw_loss, fmt="%.3f") # 保存损失数据 np.savetxt('%s/train_acc.txt'%(path), draw_train_acc, fmt="%.3f") # 保存准确率数据 np.savetxt('%s/val_loss.txt'%(path), draw_val_loss, fmt="%.3f") # 保存损失数据 np.savetxt('%s/val_acc.txt'%(path), draw_val_acc, fmt="%.3f") # 保存准确率数据 print("train ready!") ############################################################################################# #数据可视化 ############################################################################################# draw_result(draw_epoch, path) # 绘图函数 print("draw ready!") ############################################################################################# #模型的存储和载入 ############################################################################################# torch.save(model.state_dict(), "parameter.pkl") #save print("save ready!") #############################################################################################
import re import requests from urllib import error from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import os import torch from torch.autograd import Variable from torchvision import datasets, transforms from torch.utils.data import DataLoader from network import SiameNetwork from utils import cv_imread import cv2 from PIL import Image import shutil from get_face import find_face # 设置参数 ############################################################################################# GET_PIC = 0 # 1 执行这步,0 不执行 GET_FACE = 0 GET_IU = 1 ############################################################################################# num = 0 numPicture = 0 file = '' List = [] # 爬虫所用函数 ############################################################################################# def Find(url, A): global List print('正在检测图片总数,请稍等.....') t = 0 i = 1 s = 0 while t < 1000: Url = url + str(t) try: # 这里搞了下 Result = A.get(Url, timeout=7, allow_redirects=False) except BaseException: t = t + 60 continue else: result = Result.text pic_url = re.findall('"objURL":"(.*?)",', result, re.S) # 先利用正则表达式找到图片url s += len(pic_url) if len(pic_url) == 0: break else: List.append(pic_url) t = t + 60 return s def recommend(url): Re = [] try: html = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False) except error.HTTPError as e: return else: html.encoding = 'utf-8' bsObj = BeautifulSoup(html.text, 'html.parser') div = bsObj.find('div', id='topRS') if div is not None: listA = div.findAll('a') for i in listA: if i is not None: Re.append(i.get_text()) return Re def dowmloadPicture(html, keyword): global num # t =0 pic_url = re.findall('"objURL":"(.*?)",', html, re.S) # 先利用正则表达式找到图片url print('找到关键词:' + keyword + '的图片,即将开始下载图片...') for each in pic_url: print('正在下载第' + str(num + 1) + '张图片,图片地址:' + str(each)) try: if each is not None: pic = requests.get(each, timeout=7) else: continue except BaseException: print('错误,当前图片无法下载') continue else: string = file + r'\\' + keyword + '_' + str(num) + '.jpg' fp = open(string, 'wb') fp.write(pic.content) fp.close() num += 1 if num >= numPicture: return ############################################################################################# if __name__ == '__main__': # 主函数入口 # 爬虫部分,存放到 name + ‘文件' ############################################################################################# if GET_PIC == 1: headers = { 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.7,zh-HK;q=0.5,en-US;q=0.3,en;q=0.2', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1' } A = requests.Session() A.headers = headers tm = int(input('请输入每类图片的下载数量 ')) numPicture = tm line_list = [] with open('./name.txt', encoding='utf-8') as file: line_list = [k.strip() for k in file.readlines()] # 用 strip()移除末尾的空格 for word in line_list: url = 'https://image.baidu.com/search/flip?tn=baiduimage&ie=utf-8&word=' + word + '&pn=' tot = Find(url, A) Recommend = recommend(url) # 记录相关推荐 print('经过检测%s类图片共有%d张' % (word, tot)) file = word + '文件' y = os.path.exists(file) if y == 1: print('该文件已存在,无需创建') else: os.mkdir(file) t = 0 tmp = url while t < numPicture: try: url = tmp + str(t) # result = requests.get(url, timeout=10) # 这里搞了下 result = A.get(url, timeout=10, allow_redirects=False) print(url) except error.HTTPError as e: print('网络错误,请调整网络后重试') t = t + 60 else: dowmloadPicture(result.text, word) t = t + 60 numPicture = numPicture + tm print('当前搜索结束,开始提取人脸') ############################################################################################# # 将训练集和测试集中的raw图片处理,提取出人脸图片,从file+'文件'到‘待分辨人脸' ############################################################################################ if GET_FACE == 1: if GET_PIC == 0: file = '韩国女艺人文件' raw_root = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/'+ file + '/' img_raw = os.listdir(raw_root) new_path = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/待分辨人脸/' n = 0 for i in range(len(img_raw)): try: img = Image.open(raw_root + img_raw[i]) except: print('a file error, continue') continue else: img_train = find_face(raw_root + img_raw[i]) if img_train == None: continue else: img_train.save(new_path + '%d.JPG' % n) print(raw_root + img_raw[i]) n += 1 print('在%d张图片中,共找到%d张脸' % (len(img_raw), n)) print('提取人脸结束,开始寻找IU') ############################################################################################# # 开始判别,从'待分辨人脸‘中找出IU存放到'IU_pic‘ ############################################################################################# if GET_IU == 1: data_transform = transforms.Compose([ # transforms.Grayscale(num_output_channels=1), # 彩色图像转灰度图像num_output_channels默认1 transforms.Resize(112), transforms.CenterCrop((112, 92)), # 中心裁剪为112*92 transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5],std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) # transforms.Normalize(mean=0.5, std=0.5) ]) device = torch.device('cuda') model = SiameNetwork().to(device) model.load_state_dict(torch.load('parameter.pkl')) # load model.eval() judge_root = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/待分辨人脸/' img_judge = os.listdir(judge_root) new_path = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/IU_pic/' result = [] n = 0 for i in range(len(img_judge)): try: img = Image.open(judge_root + img_judge[i]) except: print('a file error, continue') continue else: img = img.convert('RGB') print(judge_root + img_judge[i]) input = data_transform(img) input = input.unsqueeze(0) # 这里经过转换后输出的input格式是[C,H,W],网络输入还需要增加一维批量大小B # 增加一维,输出的img格式为[1,C,H,W] input = Variable(input.cuda()) output = model(input) # 将图片输入网络得到输出 _, id = torch.max(output.data, 1) # 0是IU,1是其他 if id.item() == 0: shutil.copy(judge_root + img_judge[i], new_path) n += 1 print('/n在%d张图片中,共找到%d张IU的图片'%(len(img_judge), n)) #############################################################################################
import os raw_train_root_1 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/raw/train/IU/' raw_train_root_2 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/raw/train/Other/' raw_test_root_1 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/raw/test/IU/' raw_test_root_2 = 'E:/Table/学习数据集/find_iu/data/raw/test/Other/' raw_roots = [raw_train_root_1, raw_train_root_2, raw_test_root_1, raw_test_root_2] for path in raw_roots: # 获取该目录下所有文件,存入列表中 fileList = os.listdir(path) n = 0 for i in fileList: # 设置旧文件名(就是路径+文件名) oldname = path + os.sep + fileList[n] # os.sep添加系统分隔符 # 设置新文件名 newname = path + os.sep + str(n) + '.JPG' os.rename(oldname, newname) # 用os模块中的rename方法对文件改名 print(oldname, '======>', newname) n += 1
import torch import torch.nn as nn class SiameNetwork(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(SiameNetwork, self).__init__() # input: h=112, w=92 self.conv1 = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3, # 输入单通道 out_channels=16, # 16个3*3卷积核 kernel_size=3, # 卷积核尺寸 stride=2, # 卷积核滑动步长, 1的话图片大小不变,2的话会大小会变为(h/2)*(w/2) padding=1), # 边缘填充大小,如果要保持原大小,kernel_size//2 torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(16), # 标准化,前面卷积后有16个图层 torch.nn.ReLU() # 激活函数 ) # output: h=56, w=46 self.conv2 = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Conv2d(16, 32, 3, 2, 1), torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(32), torch.nn.ReLU() ) # output: h=28, w=23 self.conv3 = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Conv2d(32, 64, 3, 2, 1), torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(64), torch.nn.ReLU() ) # output: h=14, w=12 self.conv4 = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 2, 2, 0), torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(64), torch.nn.ReLU() ) # output: h=7, w=6 self.mlp1 = torch.nn.Linear(7 * 6 * 64, 100) # 需要计算conv4的输出尺寸,每次卷积的输出尺寸(size - kernal + 2*padding)/stride + 1 self.mlp2 = torch.nn.Linear(100, 10) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv1(x) x = self.conv2(x) x = self.conv3(x) x = self.conv4(x) x = self.mlp1(x.view(x.size(0), -1)) # view展平 x = self.mlp2(x) return x
import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import cv2 # 绘制训练、测试的损失、准确度 ############################################################################################# def draw_result(draw_epoch, path): show_loss = np.loadtxt('%s/train_loss.txt' % (path)) # 读取txt文件,不同优化器的损失 show_train_acc = np.loadtxt('%s/train_acc.txt' % (path)) # 读取不同模型的准确度 show_val_loss = np.loadtxt('%s/val_loss.txt' % (path)) # 读取txt文件,不同优化器的损失 show_val_acc = np.loadtxt('%s/val_acc.txt' % (path)) # 读取不同模型的准确度 mpl.rc('font',family='Times New Roman', weight='semibold', size=9) # 设置matplotlib中所有绘图风格的设置 font1 = {'weight' : 'semibold', 'size' : 11} #设置文字风格 fig = plt.figure(figsize = (7,5)) #figsize是图片的大小` ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) # ax1是子图的名字 ax1.plot(draw_epoch, show_loss,color = 'red', label = u'AdaPID', linewidth =1.0) ax1.legend() #显示图例 ax1.set_title('Training Loss', font1) ax1.set_xlabel(u'Epoch', font1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2) ax2.plot(draw_epoch, show_val_loss,color = 'red', label = u'Adam', linewidth =1.0) ax2.legend() #显示图例 ax2.set_title('Validation Loss', font1) ax2.set_xlabel(u'Epoch', font1) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3) ax3.plot(draw_epoch, show_train_acc,color = 'red', label = u'Adam', linewidth =1.0) ax3.legend() #显示图例 ax3.set_title('Training Accuracy', font1) ax3.set_xlabel(u'Epoch', font1) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4) ax4.plot(draw_epoch, show_val_acc,color = 'red', label = u'Adam', linewidth =1.0) ax4.legend() #显示图例 ax4.set_title('Validation Accuracy', font1) ax4.set_xlabel(u'Epoch', font1) plt.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=0.45) # hspace为子图上下间距 plt.savefig('%s/show_curve.jpg' % (path), dpi=300) ############################################################################################# # 用于解决cv.imread不能读取中文路径的问题 ############################################################################################# def cv_imread(filePath): # 核心就是下面这句,一般直接用这句就行,直接把图片转为mat数据 cv_img = cv2.imdecode(np.fromfile(filePath, dtype=np.uint8), -1) # imdecode读取的是rgb,如果后续需要opencv处理的话,需要转换成bgr,转换后图片颜色会变化 # cv_img=cv2.cvtColor(cv_img,cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) return cv_img #############################################################################################