# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import pandas as pd from math import ceil import os def account(adress,weight): if adress == "湖南": if weight <= 3: totel = 2.5 elif (weight >= 3) and (weight<=5): totel = 3.5 + ceil((weight-3))*1 else: totel = ceil(weight)*1 return totel elif adress in ["河北","天津","山西","浙江","江苏","安徽","福建","山东","江西","广东","广西","河南","湖北","陕西","四川","重庆","云南","贵州"]: if weight <= 3: totel = 2.5 elif (weight >= 3) and (weight<=5): totel = 3.5 + ceil((weight-3))*1 else: totel = ceil(weight)*2 return totel elif adress in ["深圳","北京","上海"]: if weight <= 3: totel = 3.3 elif (weight >= 3) and (weight<=5): totel = 3.5 + ceil((weight-3))*1.5 else: totel = ceil(weight)*2 return totel elif adress in ["海南","辽宁","黑龙江","吉林"]: if weight <= 3: totel = 2.5 elif (weight >= 3) and (weight<=5): totel = 3.5 + ceil((weight-3))*2.5 else: totel = ceil(weight)*3 return totel elif adress in ["内蒙古","甘肃","宁夏","青海"]: if weight <= 1: totel = 9 else: totel = 9 + ceil(weight-1)*6 return totel elif adress == "新疆": if weight <= 1: totel = 15 else: totel = 15 + ceil(weight-1)*12 return totel elif adress == "西藏": if weight <= 1: totel = 16 else: totel = 15 + ceil(weight-1)*18 return totel else: print("你输入的省份不合法!!!") file_path = input("请输入文件路径:") sheet_name = input("请输入工作簿名称:") pf = pd.read_excel(file_path,sheet_name=sheet_name) #获取省份一列 pro = pf["省份"].values.tolist() #获取重量一列 wt = pf["重量"].values.tolist() #核算列 totel = [] for p,w in zip(pro,wt): print(p,w) totel.append(account(p,w)) pf["最新核算结果"] = totel file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) pf.to_excel(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_path),os.path.basename(file_path).split(".")[0]+sheet_name+"最新核算结果"+".xlsx"))
在脚本文件目录中执行pyinstaller -F hesuan.py 进行打包exe文件,如果为安装pyinstaller,使用pip install pyinstaller 安装。点击运行打包后的exe文件,输入文件的路径名和sheet名,就可以进行自动核算,脚本运行完成后会自动保存一个新的Excel文件。