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css实例教程 一款纯css实现的垂直时间线效果
日期:2021-09-08 14:38:39   来源:脚本之家


css实例教程 一款纯css实现的垂直时间线效果



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<span>Blueprint <span class="bp-icon bp-icon-about" data-content="The Blueprints are a collection of basic and minimal website concepts, components, plugins and layouts with minimal style for easy adaption and usage, or simply for inspiration.">
Vertical Timeline</h1>
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<ul class="cbp_tmtimeline">
<time class="cbp_tmtime" datetime="2013-04-10 18:30">
<span>4/10/13</span> <span>18:30</span></time>
<div class="cbp_tmicon cbp_tmicon-phone">
<div class="cbp_tmlabel">
Ricebean black-eyed pea</h2>
Winter purslane courgette pumpkin quandong komatsuna fennel green bean cucumber
watercress. Pea sprouts wattle seed rutabaga okra yarrow cress avocado grape radish
bush tomato ricebean black-eyed pea maize eggplant. Cabbage lentil cucumber chickpea
sorrel gram garbanzo plantain lotus root bok choy squash cress potato summer purslane
salsify fennel horseradish dulse. Winter purslane garbanzo artichoke broccoli lentil
corn okra silver beet celery quandong. Plantain salad beetroot bunya nuts black-eyed
pea collard greens radish water spinach gourd chicory prairie turnip avocado sierra
leone bologi.</p>
<time class="cbp_tmtime" datetime="2013-04-11T12:04">
<span>4/11/13</span> <span>12:04</span></time>
<div class="cbp_tmicon cbp_tmicon-screen">
<div class="cbp_tmlabel">
Greens radish arugula</h2>
Caulie dandelion maize lentil collard greens radish arugula sweet pepper water spinach
kombu courgette lettuce. Celery coriander bitterleaf epazote radicchio shallot winter
purslane collard greens spring onion squash lentil. Artichoke salad bamboo shoot
black-eyed pea brussels sprout garlic kohlrabi.</p>
<time class="cbp_tmtime" datetime="2013-04-13 05:36">
<span>4/13/13</span> <span>05:36</span></time>
<div class="cbp_tmicon cbp_tmicon-mail">
<div class="cbp_tmlabel">
Sprout garlic kohlrabi</h2>
Parsnip lotus root celery yarrow seakale tomato collard greens tigernut epazote
ricebean melon tomatillo soybean chicory broccoli beet greens peanut salad. Lotus
root burdock bell pepper chickweed shallot groundnut pea sprouts welsh onion wattle
seed pea salsify turnip scallion peanut arugula bamboo shoot onion swiss chard.
Avocado tomato peanut soko amaranth grape fennel chickweed mung bean soybean endive
squash beet greens carrot chicory green bean. Tigernut dandelion sea lettuce garlic
daikon courgette celery maize parsley komatsuna black-eyed pea bell pepper aubergine
cauliflower zucchini. Quandong pea chickweed tomatillo quandong cauliflower spinach
water spinach.</p>
<time class="cbp_tmtime" datetime="2013-04-15 13:15">
<span>4/15/13</span> <span>13:15</span></time>
<div class="cbp_tmicon cbp_tmicon-phone">
<div class="cbp_tmlabel">
Watercress ricebean</h2>
Peanut gourd nori welsh onion rock melon mustard jícama. Desert raisin amaranth
kombu aubergine kale seakale brussels sprout pea. Black-eyed pea celtuce bamboo
shoot salad kohlrabi leek squash prairie turnip catsear rock melon chard taro broccoli
turnip greens. Fennel quandong potato watercress ricebean swiss chard garbanzo.
Endive daikon brussels sprout lotus root silver beet epazote melon shallot.</p>
<time class="cbp_tmtime" datetime="2013-04-16 21:30">
<span>4/16/13</span> <span>21:30</span></time>
<div class="cbp_tmicon cbp_tmicon-earth">
<div class="cbp_tmlabel">
Courgette daikon</h2>
Parsley amaranth tigernut silver beet maize fennel spinach. Ricebean black-eyed
pea maize scallion green bean spinach cabbage jícama bell pepper carrot onion corn
plantain garbanzo. Sierra leone bologi komatsuna celery peanut swiss chard silver
beet squash dandelion maize chicory burdock tatsoi dulse radish wakame beetroot.</p>
<time class="cbp_tmtime" datetime="2013-04-17 12:11">
<span>4/17/13</span> <span>12:11</span></time>
<div class="cbp_tmicon cbp_tmicon-screen">
<div class="cbp_tmlabel">
Greens radish arugula</h2>
Caulie dandelion maize lentil collard greens radish arugula sweet pepper water spinach
kombu courgette lettuce. Celery coriander bitterleaf epazote radicchio shallot winter
purslane collard greens spring onion squash lentil. Artichoke salad bamboo shoot
black-eyed pea brussels sprout garlic kohlrabi.</p>
<time class="cbp_tmtime" datetime="2013-04-18 09:56">
<span>4/18/13</span> <span>09:56</span></time>
<div class="cbp_tmicon cbp_tmicon-phone">
<div class="cbp_tmlabel">
Sprout garlic kohlrabi</h2>
Parsnip lotus root celery yarrow seakale tomato collard greens tigernut epazote
ricebean melon tomatillo soybean chicory broccoli beet greens peanut salad. Lotus
root burdock bell pepper chickweed shallot groundnut pea sprouts welsh onion wattle
seed pea salsify turnip scallion peanut arugula bamboo shoot onion swiss chard.
Avocado tomato peanut soko amaranth grape fennel chickweed mung bean soybean endive
squash beet greens carrot chicory green bean. Tigernut dandelion sea lettuce garlic
daikon courgette celery maize parsley komatsuna black-eyed pea bell pepper aubergine
cauliflower zucchini. Quandong pea chickweed tomatillo quandong cauliflower spinach
water spinach.</p>


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/* Made with <a href="http://icomoon.io/">http://icomoon.io/</a> */

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/* Example Media Queries */
@media screen and (max-width: 65.375em)

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@media screen and (max-width: 47.2em)
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